Sunday, April 29, 2012

Good Personality Writing for Your Blog Content

Writing Personality
What does the personality of your blog writing? The answer, more than you think!

I think we can all agree that an interesting article, full of factual content, views and good comments are the best articles. All these things are good, but they are nothing without good writing technique. Need a way to keep your readers hooked.

Now, I do not mean to extend the first sentence of your article to a power of 24 px and this would be a bit exaggerated. In addition to your readers to get hooked, you want to make sure they stay focused and interested in your article. Here are some techniques I use. I hope it will inspire you to gain a better personality in writing, if you do not have one.

Make your readers hooked

Before going to the point about keeping your readers hooked, let me explain the idea of ​​"hook". A "hook" is usually one of the first sentences of your article or ideas that attract the attention of your readers. There are a lot of different types of hooks successful. Some of these include:

  • Ask a question.

  • Share a personal experience.

  • Use quotations that relate to your article.

  • Share interesting statistics related to your items.

There are many techniques to "hook", however, these are the ones I use most.

Keep your readers engaged

This is where the writer's personality really comes out. Do not dull your article. Copy and paraphrase info from other sources will not get you anywhere. You need to add something of yourself to keep your readers hooked. Throughout your article be sure to add your own opinions, and maybe share some ideas here or there. If you share your opinion, this gives your readers the opportunity to agree or disagree with what you say and also an opportunity of sharing their own views on the subject.

An article in a blog is not a test, do not be afraid to put a little spice! Use descriptive adjectives, offers honest opinions, ask questions that your readers to respond, anything that helps you keep focused on your readers!

Use proper grammar!

Good grammar is definitely a must for every blogger. You do not want your readers to think you do not know how to write. I have read many blogs where the author often misspell common words and not use any punctuation. There are question marks, periods, commas, exclamation marks for a reason, use them! I personally check the spelling of my articles before publication.

Is "Worthy of comment"

It is no secret, readers are a huge part of the success of your blog. Before you post, make sure that content and present arguments that are worthy of comment.

A common goal shared by bloggers is to create a community around your blog. This is not possible when the content posted is not worthy of comment, which means that your articles are difficult to responder.Por example
"The life of adolescents is interesting."

Although this is considered an argument, it is extremely boring. Throw in a little something:
"Living the life of a teenager is like a roller coaster. They are always those ups and downs that affect the way adolescents feel. As a teenager, how unpredictable is the life of a teenager. "

This is a good example of what a concise argument. It gives your readers a chance to say something like "Hey, I know what you mean! There is always something unexpected around every corner. "

Final Thoughts

Write as if you really were talking to your readers. This will help fluyas better and give your readers an insight into what kind of writer you are.

Make your articles fun and friendly, while at the same time, objective and interesting.

What are the techniques you use to keep writing interesting, fun, objective to make your readers are hooked?

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