Friday, April 27, 2012

Good Blogger Must Follow this 10 Commandments

Ten CommandmentsAnyone who wants to be a respected blogger and successful community regarding the hearing shall follow the 10 Commandments of Good Blogger:

1. Post only high quality content

The only way I know to stand out from the huge amount of content that is taught on the Web is your best material. Always striving for excellence in your articles, videos or podcasts, as these will be your cover letter to the world. It's that extra effort for quality that will allow you to open up a hole in the busy minds of people. Do not let your voice be drowned in the deafening noise outside.

Monitors do not fall into the trap of obsessive pursuit of perfection.

2. You will be constantly

There is no way to succeed if it is not constant in the publication of new content. Both Google and your readers need fresh material, otherwise you will fall into oblivion. It is not so much as to publish it when it is expected to do so. That is, if you used the audience to three items a week and continues to stand firm posting those three articles in a stable. It is pointless for one week to write ten articles if you write the next one. I recommend a minimum of three articles on average. When the blog is still in its infancy (3 months) recommend post every day, at least until you already have a stable audience, then we can reduce the frequency of posting but should increase the quality of your articles. You must be a master time management so that your life does not become chaotic. Post every day and reconcile it with your other activities is not easy.

3. Do not ignore your audience

Be accessible to your readers, especially those who visit you regularly. Use the communication channel (Twitter, Facebook, blog comments, email) you like best, but when you send a message that deserves an answer not ignore it. If for whatever reason you can not answer them all because it is impossible to know selective and answers those who most deserve it. According to my view, I consider it a mistake to answer all messages received if to do so are answered in a poor way. If the message does not deserve it not answered replica period. The quality should not only be present in your articles, but also on your answers. Some of the most famous bloggers have chosen to disable comments on their blogs. Why? Because interested in the quality of quantity and prefer to have a sincere contact with their readers. Another reason is that the comments often contribute nothing or very little discussion in the article and are used only to be seen. That is spam. If you contact them you only respond if you send them an email, provided that this says something that deserves an answer.

4. Connect and collaborate with other bloggers

The world of the blogosphere, how could it be otherwise, consists of a large network of bloggers. If you look closely you can almost see the strings that bind to each other. It's like a big family, where there are parents, older siblings and babies. Good blogger uses his blog as a banner and is made known to other members of the family. It shows respect to his parents and brothers and help them where possible. This is the only way to create confidence for other bloggers help you in your growth process. At the beginning we all need that little push, but to give us three things are needed: (1) that we only know their radar for us, (2) that our content is of high quality, and (3) that we bloggers transparent. If you meet these three requirements help is assured. Collaboration is needed to establish yourself as successful blogger.

As an example we have Jonathan Mead of . Jonathan works for some time with Leo Babauta regularly publishing articles. In this win-win relationship, as Leo gets good articles to update your blog and Jonathan receives a lot of traffic from ZenHabits, helping to form their own audience. In part because of that, and the quality of its articles of course, Jonathan now lives on his blog. Other ways to help: make and receive interviews from several bloggers to create products, use your own list to publicize a product from another blogger, references and links to other blogs, commenting on other blogs, send a retweet to your followers with a article by another blogger, and a long list that I explain in more detail in a future article.

5. Actively participate in the major social networks

Social networking has grown as one could have imagined a few years ago. Not being in social networks is not to be where people are. The conversation is happening, if you do not want to participate is your choice, but then you wonder why no one visits your blog and read your great articles. Being actively involved is not nearly as bad as not to be. Do not cut, nor have any qualms about talking to a person who does not know. Social networks are open to this type of interaction, especially when you have a blog or another website to back you up. What are the major social networks? Today there are two: Facebook and Twitter . Go ahead, go ahead and send me a message right now using either.

6. Your passion for the topic of your blog should be pure fire

If you have a passion for the topic of your blog you have no chance of succeeding in the blogosphere. Do you want your word break walls and cross borders? Passion is the vehicle that will carry your words to the hearts of others. If you do not love 100% on what you write you can hardly overcome the obstacles that will arise in your way. It's just too hard to post frequently on a blog when you do not get the expected results. How to know when you have a passion for an issue or not? Ask yourself: Even if no one read my blog regularly update it indefinitely? Mind you, we're talking about reaching the top of not having a mediocre blog Network, roaming aimlessly. Everyone can have a blog wandering but only a few can reach the desired destination.

7. You will be patient as the worm into a butterfly waiting

You can not expect the overnight your blog off because it just does not happen. However much you try and spend more hours to improve your articles no one, to my knowledge, that in less than one year has been anything worth mentioning to your blog. It is over time, as your items are accumulated and are indexed in Google, as your name / brand is known in social networks, as others begin to talk about yourself, you start to get some result. Until then keep posting and publicizing your work without giving much importance to the counter. Patience is powered by two capabilities: (1) the capacity for suffering and (2) the motivational skills. This is where passion comes into play to which I referred earlier. The passion remains lit the flame of motivation without effort, however, if all you're with your blog's reputation, money or anything material, hardly able to maintain your stamina posting for long if you do not get the results you expected, then your ability to suffer can not feed your patience for long.

8. You will be completely transparent

Being transparent involves writing your own voice, that is, not trying to appear who are not. Your personality should reflect on every word you write. Transparency also means tell your own story to tell readers who you are and because you write what you write. You set the limits of how far you can count but must be sufficient so that readers may feel they know you. Finally, transparency means being honest with your readers and do not recommend products that you yourself do not eat or do not know about its quality. There is nothing wrong to recommend or sell products directly to your readers, but you must be completely transparent about product quality. Do not disappoint the trust that your hard getting those who follow you because once you lose it is very difficult if not impossible, to recover.

9. You will be so entertaining and original as you can

On the internet there is very little tolerance for boring. If your item does not entertain the reader and does not take three seconds to devote their attention to something else. Internet is the new king of entertainment, where switching from one content to another costs only a click away. The repetitive boring and not interesting. If you write the article typically takes some time hovering over the Internet better not do it because you waste your time. Nobody will read it. Instead comes to innovation, try to be original in the selected topic, in the approach and go on your way to the reader. Combines useful information and worked with the originality and your readers hooked items like honey to bees.

They must attract and direct the reader's attention as you wish. How? Title of your articles and original catch phrases to arouse the curiosity of those who read them. It encourages the reader to continue reading your article earlier in this setting the benefits they will get from reading it. Divide the article into small blocks and identify them with their headers, and allows the reader to scan the contents of the post in a few seconds. Use bold, italics and other forms of stress that part of the text that you want the viewer's attention. Something that works great are the lists enumerating the best of any particular subject.

10. You will have a class design

Your blog is your home. Your blog is a reflection of who you are. The design does matter, and who tells you otherwise is lying like a villain. It's that simple. You do not want to scare the new visitor without giving the opportunity to appreciate the quality of your articles. Your design should enhance your content. Good design attracts and retains the reader a bad scare. Now, that does not mean that from day one your design has to be perfect, far from it. The first is the content then we'll worry about the design. As you'll spend more time (or resources) to the design but not too stressed out. But if you want to touch the sky without a good design blogosphere chances of this are minimal. Some bloggers, who began many years ago and still have a great design (to put in a fine) have achieved, but today if you start from scratch is almost impossible.

These are the Ten Commandments etched in stone all good blogger. Follow them and your path to heaven of the blogosphere will be insured. Incúmplelos and your blog will get lost in the oblivion of time. Luck and cane the monkey.

What do you think? Would you add any command to the list? Leave a comment below or send it to me this social media .


  1. There are some new concepts for me. I think the above 10 tips covers all the things. Thanks for inspiring me and I'll maintain my blog as per above tips.
