- On your side navigation bar you have to put a widget with your best articles.
- When the content of an article a word appears to be a category of your blog you must link it to that category. This will get people interested in your category to view all articles related to it. (See example in Mashable.com , click on the word Twitter, Google or Flickr).
- In your articles you put links to other blog related articles published in the past. If you know of a quick and easy way to link what other items you can look at which ones you mark your articles plugin (I use " Yet Another Related Post "). You can also encourage your visitors to follow the links putting things like "If this topic interests you I recommend you visit this other article: 6 Tips for Being a Good Blogger . "
- Make old articles compilations of articles. That is, make a new article in which you collect 3 or 4 items on the same subject and put their links.
- Link to your files.
- The more good your content more chances you have your visitor wants more.
- Edit your old items and optimize it using the tips I mentioned to get more page views.
- Apply these tips in all your new articles and you will see that over time your counter page views multiplied x2 and x3.
What do you think? Are you satisfied with the number of page views you have? What other methods known to increase pageviews? Leave a comment below
As a blogger, I appreciate this post, which is, in my opinion is a must read by every blogger.