Tuesday, May 1, 2012

10 steps to improve your blog

Improve blogDo you have a blog, but comments on your articles? Or are you seeing that your account does not increase RSS subscribers?
There are many ways to solve these problems without spending much money. However, you will want to invest some time to improve your blog and meet the goals of your blog - whether to have more readers, increase traffic from search engines and make more money by selling ad or promoting your business.

Ads used responsibly

Many bloggers want to earn money online, but sometimes some are exaggerated. Put your ads at the beginning or end of articles, not both sides.

Permanently removed the ads in the middle of articles. This cuts in half your content and can make the reader lose interest very quickly in your article.

The ads that show should stand out and attract attention, but not flood your content.

Edit older articles

Go to the old articles and edit the grammar and style. Add new pictures, links and information at the end of the article (in italics).

Have you recently started to tag your articles? Add some tags to your old items.

Edit the titles of old items that you think are better for search engines, but not edit the permalink.

Add new things, like a redesigned logo or an e-book

Promotes your RSS subscribers to visit your blog to see what you have put new. Capture their attention with a better overview of your article, a better sidebar, header or footer.

Invite your readers to read related articles after each item in your blog to keep them longer. Or add related items to the plugin RSS feed Similar Posts .

Check out other blogs to see what is currently the trend. Do these new additions will be of value to your visitors? If so, add a new feature and try it with members of your community.

Provides solid and well researched content which people are interested

Does your content stands out from the crowd? Or is it the same old information or opinions of any blogger in your niche? Stand out and do the unexpected - it takes a contrary view to all others, find fresh information on which to write and spend time to write quality articles.

Use different sizes for your headers (but keep constant), colored text, bold text, images, links, video and audio to enhance your articles.

Promotes interaction in the comments section or via email at the end of each article. Ask open-ended questions. Leave your comments open from 14 to 21 days, to give everyone the opportunity to comment if you like.

Use either heat maps

Look where they make more clicks visitors to your blog using this free software and move the content to your sidebar, footer and header to make it easier to browse or access.

It provides a consistent navigation in most, if not all, pages.

Do not start to change your surfing on a weekly basis for your readers might be discouraged to use your site.

Make it easy to subscribe to your blog

Add a large RSS button "above the fold" or put a "Subscribe to my site" at the end of each article.

It also adds a subscribe button below the fold or in the footer.

Check your weekly statistics

Post your best content at the times or days you have more traffic.

Do not obsess over statistics. Instead, check the number of visitors, RSS subscribers, and so on. weekly basis. Track your progress and monitor improvements or regressions.

Be realistic about the number of visitors and pages viewed. If until now you're starting, you have no visitors and subscribers who have many probloggers . Take some time to develop a brand and a community.

Let your readers will connect with you

Add links to online profiles on your page ' About 'and in the sidebar or footer. Make it easy for your readers to send emails, interact with you via blog or Twitter, Facebook, Plurk, etc.. Some people subscribe to the blog just because of the personality that shows the blog, not necessarily by the content of the blog.

Respond to comments as soon as possible. Let the commentators know that you are listening.

Ask your readers opinion

Occasionally ask your readers opinion. Post a survey, please ask for an article or review send an email and ask commenters who like your blog, as he heard of it and you could do to improve. Use the feedback to improve your blog.

Use an editorial calendar

Take notice when your new features should be published or deadlines to pay your web hosting or submit articles you've written for other blogs. Have your staff separate editorial calendar using Google Calendar , iCal or Outlook.

Update your calendar with any changes and sync with your calendar similar (if you have one).

Write articles in advance and set it in your editorial calendar. Be prepared for any emergency that may arise or changes of dates.

1 comment:

  1. everything is a process; wether it be seconds days weeks months or years is up to you
