Wednesday, May 2, 2012

6 Tips for Being a Good Blogger

Good Blogger
Most bloggers abandon their activity as six months into their blogs. It is an approximate but very close to the reality of most cases of abandonment. The cause of these dropouts often, most times, the effort invested not correspond with the results. That is, at least expected to be between 500 and 1000 visitors at 6 months and has only reached the 150, also never receive comments and the few that do not contribute anything to get what is said in the article, no one shares their content Twitter and Facebook, not supported by people in their different profiles scattered across the
Net, his Facebook page looks like a Wild West ghost town America, and much more. desperate situations can knock the most stoic.

If you are a first-blogger you can knock these things without contemplation even in the early months of starting your activity. It's just too hard to write regularly to your blog and update your profile without seeing any indication that they are making progress in your online presence. The days pass and the results do not improve, you find it increasingly harder to keep up and, ultimately, decide to use your time on something else that you bring something more immediate.

To my mind, everyone with a passing interest in technology, personal relationships and to see his business career or progress should have a blog and update it regularly. I do not care that you think you do not have time because I know that if you have it. The lack of time is an excuse that your brain is invented to avoid something that costs effort to do. Nobody said being a good blogger would be easy, but that's no excuse not to be. The personal benefits of being blogger is so enriching, it seems not to be too high a price to pay to free one of the effort involved.

Whether you're someone who does not have a blog but he hopes to have it or someone who is already immersed in the waters of the blogosphere here I leave a few tips to never give up your activity as a blogger.

1. Being a good blogger is not a breeze

Before you start you must be aware of the hardships of being a blogger. Not all people are made ​​of dough that is needed. Being a good blogger involves updating your blog at least five days a week. This involves the search for new story ideas, researching minimally on selected topics and express it all in a good article. So, as I said, almost every day of the rest of your life. A good blogger takes no time ever. The only thing you can do is to have articles in the chamber and its publication schedule in advance. Other than that, no rest.

As if this were not enough and you need to keep the accounts active in various social networks like Twitter and Facebook. And make and publish, from time to time, videos and podcasts. With the consequent need to allocate time to the issue. What about if you want to get away with scratching your blog need a pocket for a professional design. All these considerations will have to raise before the start as a blogger. Be honest with yourself. Will you be able to work it means to be a good blogger? If not, you better give up on starting your journey. It will save you pain and frustration. However, if despite the above, you decide that you will be able to do with it, then chances are that you become a successful blogger, why? Because you are already warned of what it means to be a good blogger. You honestly thought and have decided that you can with it and you are worth the effort. Believe me, the reward you get from day one deserves it.

2. Put yourself in the worst case scenario

If you think you'll get hit hard just go too wrong. Not only is going to hit hard but surely nobody or almost nobody will know you and your content to last a long time. Look at the big bloggers like Darren Rowse , Leo Babauta , Yaro Starak , Seth Godin and Enrique Dans . Spent many years working tirelessly to publish interesting articles every day until today. Success does not come in overnight and whoever says otherwise is lying.

My advice: get early on in the worst case scenario. If it seems reasonable that you finish your first month 100 people a day visit this aspiration cut to 20. If you believe that you will receive 20 comments rebájalos to 2. If you think you will get 5 post Retweets by half at 0-1 Retweet rebájalo posts. If you think you will have 20 followers targeted lowered the figure to 2. And so with any data related to the performance of your blog that you can raise.

Why, because if things go ugly, as it surely will, do not be caught by surprise and, therefore, will not a blow to you. You already expect that things went wrong so this does not tell you anything new. However, if before you got your hopes too high, the blow that you'll get past the first month can be hard enough to shatter your morale and make you leave. Eye! This does not mean you aim low and you're happy with failure, this is simply being realistic. The opposite would be deceiving yourself. And hey, if in the end, for whatever reason things are going better than expected the happiness you feel will be twofold.

3. Ignore the stats (the stats of your blog and your profile) at least during the first year

Works well every day and forget to be every 10 minutes looking at your stats. What good is watching your poor numbers each day? Because I tell you: nothing. It is a complete waste of time. In addition, the impact on your confidence is harmful. Check each day that your numbers do not improve or do not like waiting is hard and difficult to digest. Why be exposed day after day to such torture? Stop wasting time and focus on what really matters, that is, post interesting things, build your online presence and connect with people and all this, do it step by step.

My advice: do not look at the stats of your site for at least the first 6 months. I do not watch them. Why? What good is it to know that I read 100 or 400 people a day. Both figures should not vary at all my work as a blogger. And how could I see, now, as the results affect my work as a blogger I have decided not to look at the stats. And I advise you to do the same, at least, in your first 6 months as a blogger. This not only will stop wasting time watching useless data, with the consequent benefit to your productivity, but also avoid adversely affecting you mind.

4. Do things at your own pace

Do not oversaturated work with the hope of reaching the top in no time because it just does not happen. All I get is life tear you apart and burn quickly. If you can only post three good articles per week do that. If you can only use twitter and facebook for 30 minutes a day then limit yourself to that. Like the marathon, was initially going at an easy pace and then increases as you go. Once you see that your work pays off and then think about spending more time (and for this you must free yourself to do other things). Until then continues at a pace that is comfortable to wear.

5. Find the topic you are passionate

Your blog and your online professional activity should focus on what excites you more in life. Why? Because otherwise there's no way to put up obstacles that will come with time. This is hard work and if not 100% love what you do you better not open the bar. If there is no passion in what you do not transmit and if anyone will not transmit or five cents for your work. The passion comes from loving what you do, therefore, finds that love is something that more and spends the rest of your life to do that. Today there are no excuses for not doing what you love and live decently on it. You choose, do something that you like and live frustrated the rest of your life or do something you love and live happily the rest of your life. It is that simple.

6. Think of the advantages of a personal and professional that gives you a good blogger

When you drop the thoughts come to mind, you will come (they always do from time to time), think of the benefits you get from being a good blogger:

  • Develop the habit of writing.

  • You learn to manage your time wisely, well now you value the time and look very much which it is intended.

  • Develop your skills and abilities. If you wrote before you write well imagine how to spend every day after a while to update your blog for years.

  • You get a name in your niche or area of ​​expertise. Who seek advice from others when they want to know something about the topic of your specialty? To you.

  • You create an audience that, over time, trust your discretion on the issues that speak more than of any other person. You can take your reputation and knowledge to sell books, ebooks and other content such as videos or audio podcasts that meet your needs.

  • Therefore you can make consultant and / or coaching, as the theme of your blog.

  • Publishers if they see you write well and know what you write, if you have an important hearing, I can offer the chance to write for them one or more books. There are many cases of bloggers who have received offers to publish books and, most of them are bestsellers. It's a sure shot for publishers because they know that the author himself is a powerful platform (or more if we have social networks) to promote his book. See the example of Seth Godin, Leo Babauta, Darren Rowse, Chris Guillebeau, Steve Pavlina, and so on.

  • In a few years, television and Internet will be completely integrated. Google and other major companies are already betting big on the id. In short, any search you want to take the content you have on the Web on the subject. Imagine the amount of audience that will be gained for all the current producers of video content online. That translates into billions of euros in advertising moving from traditional television to online video producers. It will be like a television set or an individual who produces videos with friends. What companies are interested in when buying advertising space only is the audience watching this content. That's why it's so important to start from and produce content and without rest. On the day, those who are best positioned in the online video platform which will get better offers for their advertising space. Moreover, the major television networks for the raffle are part of its star presenters or pay good money to have their programs in their grills content. Does anyone doubt that the next boom will come from internet media stars? You could be the next Robert Pattinson or the next Lady Gaga .

  • The same applies to books and writers of success. Selling ebooks on amazon already exceeds that of paper books. Does anyone doubt what the future of the publishing industry? Future talent factory is the internet and, specifically, the blogosphere and if time to time.

  • Having a blog and online presence also greatly facilitates you to network and connect with other people with similar interests to you. Will be much easier to find collaborators or partners for your projects. As well as meet influential people in your niche market, at any given time, you can get a cable that helps you take off or fly higher.

  • Having a good online presence also will help you find work if needed. Employers increasingly use internet to select employees. Why? Because everything is online in the light, here is who knows what he's talking and who sells smoke. If a consistently develop your personal brand of quality writing articles and using social media effectively, I have no doubt that large companies have you as their workers raffle. Ask yourself this: Who would hire you if you were human resources a great company? Does anyone that comes to you with a couple of letters and you do not know hardly anything about him or her? Or someone that you have read an enormous amount of good articles and who has spent years trying to soldier on with the community on topics of your niche market? The answer is obvious is not it?

  • What about the incredible opportunities it gives for your business: more customers, improve customer service, humanize your business, improve your sales, promote your products, create a community around your brand, know that others think of your company and products, and very many more.

  • And what about the legacy we are leaving for the rest of the community. For me there is nothing greater than knowing that my life and my efforts are helping to something. One day I took to wondering: what if I died today? What would have served my life? What good would stop the world my way through it? My answers made me see I needed to do something of value, and not me only but also by and for others. I'm not saying that my blog will change the world or save lives or anything like that but, I am sure, I'm helping other people to ask questions and give answers that will help them become better people and better professionals. The question is to contribute in some way to others so that when you wake up each morning you say to yourself, my life has meaning. I contribute with my work to leave a better world than I found.

Note that this always mean to be a good blogger and not a blogger to dry, a good blogger is one who is serious about its business as a blogger, a blogger feels great respect for the other fellow bloggers, a good blogger feels compelled to contribute valuable content and not just rehashing of straw or other content, a good blogger feels a responsibility on their shoulders about what it means to be a blogger, in other words, a good blogger is a leader of opinion, their readers with time see it as a reference and that comes great responsibility.

1 comment:

  1. [...] 6 Tips for Being a Good Blogger Most bloggers abandon their activity as six months into their blogs. It is an approximate but very close to the reality of most cases of abandonment. The cause of these dropouts often, most times, the effort invested not correspond with the results. That is, at least expected to be between 500 and 1000 visitors at 6 months... [...]
