Friday, April 27, 2012

Blogging and Networking (How I See It)

Blogging and NetworkAll differ from each other in our opinions and our views on some things. The bloggingis seen by some as a money generating machine and by others as the perfect tool to connect and open up new opportunities, I fall into the latter category. As bloggers, we all write for readers, we try to write what we think readers will enjoy and appreciate. We try to provide information as entertainment or knowledge to meet the needs of our readers. But sometimes it becomes essential to share how we see things from our own eyes.

While in my daily routine, constantly wondering about what is blogging and how we can climb the ladder of success. I came some answers and they reflected as a blogger. Some may agree, some do not, but again, this article is about blogging and networking.

Here are some questions I did to myself and as you can imagine also responded. Just thought I should share this with you and get your opinion on what you think about it.

What is blogging?

Blogging is not just about you. Blogging is about you, your readers and your network as a whole. Blogging is about building a community where you, the blogger, serves as a community leader.

Blogging = Your + Community + readers

Do we need money to make a blog successful?

Develop a successful blog requires not spend a dime. The key to the success of a blog depends on time well spent, learning and growing pains meet the needs of your audience.

Successful blog = Time + + Audience Growing Pains

I earn money should be the main focus of the blog?

Do not worry about making money directly to your blog, think about how you can maximize your opportunities because of it. Use it as a springboard for other opportunities to maximize is a sure way to win and become successful long term.

Main priority = Maximize long-term alternatives for

How can you grow a blog?

The growth of a blog depends on networking. If an effective community would be like if your blog does not have friends. Define your goals for good community and the growth of your blog will follow gradually.

Growth blog = A strong community

How I can be an influential blogger?

The easiest way to become an influence to other bloggers is offering help. We must not forget the first week we started as bloggers. The need to be noticed and the desire to get attention on a new blogger is only as strong as the time when we started. We know that feeling, so why not help. It is a proven way to become an influential blogger.

Provide influential blogger help + Note = new bloggers

What is the most important aspect of blogging?

The Networking! We tend to forget the potential of networking. The fence around the house can only hold if all links are connected. The same applies to blogging. Without a strong blogging community is like a fence with no links.

The most important aspect of blogging = The Networking

What is the most effective way to gain traffic ?

Comment, create guest posts and sending emails are three proven tools to generate traffic. If you use them in moderation and adjust to your own personality these three tools can become the best friend of a blog.

Effective way to gain traffic = Comment + guest + Articles Emails

If blogging was a synonym of another word, what would it be?


Blogging = Networking

Behold, blogs and networking. You could have a different view about blogging and networking. I would love to see this issue through your eyes. If you have a couple of minutes, please answer these questions yourself and put the answers in the comments section. If you can not, then it requests only one.

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