Monday, April 30, 2012

5 Things That Can Make Fail in Blog

fail dangerThere is nothing worse than letting something you've created fail or lose popularity once you left. No one starts a project with the goal to fail, as no one starts thinking that his mark will be ignored. However, sometimes contradict our minds, and began to leave behind our projects and we begin to lose the enthusiasm we had at first.
These are some things you should avoid so do not miss your blog:


Postponing tasks, activities that can benefit your blog is a neat way to make your blog fails. If you ever have a great idea about putting it into your blog as soon as possible. Waiting only gives the opportunity for others to come forward and first published the same idea as you. Here is the famous saying valid:
"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today."

A messy blog

Are you the type of person who likes flashing buttons, banners and all full of colorful icons? Well then you're doing wrong. The main idea of ​​a blog is to share information. Putting too many pictures, banners, icons can make your readers feel confused or distracted easily.

Keep your site clean, readable and manageable. Your readers will love it.

Losing the passion

If I do not believe in your blog who else will? To make your blog to be successful, you have to like what you do, what you write, you must be passionate about it. It is obvious that there are good days and bad days, but you should always maintain a strong belief in what you do and your blog will be successful.

Focusing only on being in the main pages of Digg, Reddit, etc.

Doing this is like putting the reader in the background just to get some more hits. Bring more traffic is pretty good, but first you have to worry about writing quality content that is pleasing to your readers, once you've done this, traffic will grow every day more and more without having to be on the front page of social media.

In addition, traffic from these sites usually do not help much, since most people who come to these sites only keep looking at your article and then leave, and rarely return. So Worry for producing quality goods.

Not investing in your blog

I refer not only to buy new things for your blog. I also mean that you should invest in yourself. Make sure you have time to read and learn more about blogging. The more you learn about it and apply it to your blog, the better things get.

Do you think there is another way in which you do miss a blog?

1 comment:

  1. [...] 5 Things That Can Make Fail in Blog There is nothing worse than letting something you've created fail or lose popularity once you left. No one starts a project with the goal to fail, as no one starts thinking that his mark will be ignored. However, sometimes contradict our minds, and began to leave behind our projects and we begin to lose the enthusiasm we... [...]
