While some have seen their website traffic plummet (falls of 20-80%) other hand, we have been greatly benefited from his arrival.
You know what they say "adapt or die" or, as in this case, disappear into the depths of Google.
Therefore, the question is clear:
How to survive Google Panda?
This same question I have formulated some of the most reputable SEO experts in our country.
Here are his tips for successfully passing the recent changes in Google's algorithm.
By the way. When you finish reading your advice I would love to hear your own advice to survive Google Panda. Leave it in the comments below. Thank you!
1. "The basis of the success of Google positioning is increasingly dependent on the quality of content and the user decides its quality based on recommendations and opinions makes social media".
John Merodio, JuanMerodio.com
2. "My best advice to survive the Panda update Google or any other to come in the future, is to make your website traffic does not depend on Google to 100%. As a business it is important to diversify sources income for a website is important to diversify the sources is achieved by the traffic. Use other tools at your fingertips as video, newsletter or social networks and never have to fear a Google algorithm update. "Jose Maria Gil, Online Marketing Strategies
3. "The SEO is to have good content that people will feel like sharing, however you want to link, you want to send to your friends, contain reference to people and, therefore, to Google. It is assumed that repeated or secondary content is being attacked by the Panda, so the best advice for anyone who does not want to be "attacked" by the modification of the algorithm is to create good content and copy, or even copied by a rehash ".
Fernando Muñoz, Mr. Muñoz
4. "Reading between the lines of information published by Google, but always do a great deal of common sense. We must be clear that what Google says you have to do is what you would like to get but taking into account the limitations in terms of algorithms and infraestucturas, technology or computing power. "
Javier Lorente, JavierLorente.es
5. "Optimize your site using the Pareto principle: Review the 20% of the pages / sections that bring you 80% of the SEO traffic and applies the prescription anti-panda: higher rate of quality content and fewer duplicate content, links and advertising. "
Javier Gosende, JavierGosende.com
6. "If you copy content from various sources, organize it so that all together contribute more value to the user that each of the separate parts."
Sergio Simarro and Elisa Martinez, Animoo.es
Now it's up to you. Let down your own advice to survive Google Panda.
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